Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Ⅰ. Fundamental policy on protecting personal information

The Takeda Health Insurance Society takes the following measures to appropriately safeguard information concerning individual members (“personal information” hereinafter).

  1. The Health Insurance Society implements appropriate safety measures to safeguard the personal information it obtains on its members against leaks, loss, damage, or improper Access to personal information on members.
  2. The Health Insurance Society uses the personal information provided by members solely for purposes considered beneficial for members, such as health maintenance and promotion. In addition, it uses Individual Numbers(nicknamed “My number”) only within the scope of the purposes specified in the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure.
  3. Except when it has obtained advance consent from the member, the Health Insurance Society will not provide personal information on a member to any third party. Additionally, it will not provide personal information containing Individual Numbers (“specific personal information” hereinafter), whether or not the individual has consented, except in the cases specified in the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure. However, members’ personal information other than specific personal information may be provided to third parties without members’ prior consent in the cases described in the items of Article 27, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of May 30, 2003).
  4. In addition to training and raising awareness among its staff regarding personal information protection, the Health Insurance Society will strive to manage personal information appropriately by assigning persons responsible for such management.
  5. When subcontracting its business operations, the Health Insurance Society will carry out review and implement improvements to strengthen personal information protection measures. When concluding business subcontracting agreements, it will carefully examine the competence of subcontractors and consider issues relevant to personal information protection in the content of such agreements as well.
  6. A member who wishes to review, revise, or otherwise Access his or her personal information may contact the Health Insurance Society’s Privacy Contact. The contact there will respond swiftly to such requests to the extent reasonable.
  7. In addition to complying with laws, regulations, and other standards concerning the handling of members’ personal information, the Health Insurance Society continually reviews and strives to improve the content of this Privacy Policy.

Ⅱ. Purposes of use of personal information provided

Listed below are the purposes and methods of use of the personal information concerning insured persons and family members (dependents) handled by the Health Insurance Society as part of its day to day operations.

  1. Purposes of use required to provide insurance benefits to insured persons and others
    [Examples of internal use by the Society and related parties]
    • Confirming eligibility of insured persons, certifying dependents, and managing issue of health insurance cards
    • Providing insurance benefits and additional benefits
    • Administration of uses under the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures
    [Examples involving provision of information to other business operators and other parties]
    • Automatic payment to salary accounts (by employer) of High-Cost Medical Care Benefits, Patient Cost-Sharing Reimbursements, and other benefits
    • Subcontracting translation in relation to overseas medical care expenses
    • Submitting claims for compensation to casualty insurance companies, etc. related to third-party actions
    • Joint operations involving high-cost medical care benefits with the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies
    • Coordinating information under the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures
    • Subcontracting processing of data on the eligibility and other matters of insured persons, etc.
  2. Purposes of use required to collect insurance premiums and related operations
    [Examples of internal use by the Society and related parties]
    • Ascertaining standard monthly remuneration and standard bonuses
    • Collecting health insurance premiums, long-term care insurance premiums, and regulation insurance premiums
  3. Purposes of use required for health activities
    [Examples of internal use by the Society and related parties]
    • Health examinations, health guidance, and health consultations for health maintenance and promotion
    • Implementing specific health checkup and specific health guidance
    [Examples involving provision of information to other business operators and other parties]
    • Managing implementation status of specific health checkup and specific health guidance and reporting to the Japanese government
    • Subcontracting health guidance and health consultations to industrial physicians
    • Subcontracting health examinations to medical care institutions
    • Providing the results of health examinations to employers as part of joint health activities
    • Sending medical care cost information to insured persons, etc.
  4. Purposes of use required for review and payment of medical fees
    [Examples of internal use by the Society and related parties]
    • Checking and reviewing the content of medical cost details (rezepts), etc.
    [Examples involving provision of information to other business operators and other parties]
    • Subcontracting checking and review of the content of rezept data
    • Subcontracting data entry by punching input for computer processing of rezept data, and processing of scanned images
    [Examples involving provision of information to healthcare bill check and payment organizations]
    • Provision of member information for transfer of rezepts using the system for online verification of eligibility, etc.
    • Request for and provision of member information related to requests for reexamination with regard to transfer of rezepts using the system for online verification of eligibility, etc.
  5. Purposes of use required for stabilization of Health Insurance Society operations
    [Examples of internal use by the Society and related parties]
    • Medical care cost analysis and disease analysis
    [Examples involving provision of information to other business operators and other parties]
    • Subcontracting data processing and other operations related to medical care cost analysis and medical care cost information
    • Participation in medical care cost analysis projects by the headquarters of the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies
  6. Other purposes of use
    [Examples of internal use by the Society and related parties]
    • Basic data for maintenance and improvement of operations related to management and administration of the Health Insurance Society
    [Examples involving provision of information to other business operators and other parties]
    • Consultation with or notification to insurers, medical care institutions, etc. in administration of claims for compensation from third parties
  7. Specific personal information
    Purposes of use in coordination of information with other medical insurers or administrative agencies (“other agencies” hereinafter) as specified in Article 19, Item 7 of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures
    [Cases in which information is received from other agencies for administrative processing by the Society]
    • Information on benefits in connection with reviews of payment of insurance benefits (e.g., Injury and Sickness Allowance, High-Cost Medical Care Benefits)
    • Information on taxation/non-taxation status in connection with determination of copayment categories for elderly recipients
    • Information on eligibility at other agencies in connection with the administration of acceptance of insured persons by the Society
    • Information on taxation/non-taxation status, certificates of residence, etc. in connection with the administration of dependent certification
    • Information on accounts for receipt of public funds in connection with the administration of payment of insurance benefits and refunds of insurance premiums of Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons
    [Cases in which information is provided by the Society to other agencies for administrative processing by such agencies]
    • Information related to insurance benefits provided by the Society in connection with the administration of benefits provided by other agencies (e.g., High-Cost Medical Care Benefits, benefits related to childbirth or funerals)
    • Information related to acceptance of insured persons and dependent certification by the Society in connection with the administration of confirmation of eligibility by other agencies, for their acceptance of insured persons and dependent certification
  8. Purposes of use related to the system for online verification of eligibility, etc.
    [Cases in which information is provided by the Society to other agencies for administrative processing by such agencies]
    • Registration of information related to eligibility of insured persons, etc. and specific health checkup data
    [Cases in which information is received from other agencies for administrative processing by the Society]
    • Specific health checkup data

Ⅲ. Announcement of subcontractors contracted to handle personal information

The subcontractors contracted to handle personal information on behalf of the Health Insurance Society have been announced on the list below:

→ List of Subcontractors Handling Personal Information

Ⅳ. Joint use of personal information provided

The Health Insurance Society uses information jointly with other parties as described below:

  1. Joint use with employers who are members of the Health Insurance Society
    1. (1) Name of party involved in joint use
      Employers who are members of the Health Insurance Society
    2. (2) Items of personal data involved in joint use
      1. ①. Insurer number and code(s)/number(s) of the insured person and dependent(s), employee number, name, date of birth, gender, Individual Number, section, seconding destination, work location, position, residential address, email address, telephone number, dates on which eligibility attained/lost, retirement date, dependent(s), and other basic information on the insured person; dates of changes in status of dependent(s)
      2. ②. Information shown on the Claim for Injury and Sickness Allowance/Additional Sum, other than the information under ① above
      3. ③. Information shown on the Claim for Maternity Allowance/Additional Sum, other than the information under ① above
      4. ④. Information on periodic health examinations and other examinations conducted by the Company
      5. ⑤. Information on health examinations undertaken by the Takeda Health Insurance Society pursuant to the complete check-up/individual examination usage rules and the General Health Examination Course usage rules
      6. ⑥. Other information as needed to perform duties pursuant to laws and regulations
    3. (3) Purposes of use
      1. ①. Conducting health insurance operations (e.g., insurance benefits and health activities) for employees who are insured persons in the Health Insurance Society and dependent family members, pursuant to the Health Insurance Act
      2. ②. Activities such as analysis of sicknesses for purposes of formulating, maintaining, and improving Health Insurance Society business plans (by section, seconding destination, work location, position, etc.)
      3. ③. Follow-up activities, including health guidance provided to at-risk members to control lifestyle-related conditions among insured persons over the medium to long term
      4. ④. Accurate management of cancer screening (management of examinees, management of those requiring detailed examinations, etc.)
  2. High-cost medical care subsidy program jointly operated with the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies (NFHIS)
    The Annex provides information on a program jointly operated with the NFHIS.

Ⅴ. Implicit comprehensive consent

Information on implicit comprehensive consent with the Health Insurance Society has been announced as described below.

About implicit comprehensive consent

Article 27 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information stipulates that businesses handling personal information may not provide personal information to third parties, with certain exceptions, without first obtaining the consent of the individuals concerned.
In connection with this provision, the Guidance on Appropriate Handling of Personal Information by Health Insurance Societies etc. (Annex to Personal Information Protection Commission Secretary General/Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Health Insurance Bureau Director-General Notice PI 538/0414 no. 18, April 14, 2017; “Guidance” hereinafter) stipulates that for provision of information within the scope normally necessary for purposes of use such as payment of insurance benefits to insured persons and others, where doing so would benefit such insured persons and others, or for provision of information for which it would not be considered reasonable to obtain explicit consent from insured persons and others or would place unnecessary burden on the health insurance society in cases such as distributing medical care cost information, implicit comprehensive consent may be assumed to have been obtained from insured persons and others as long as they have not clearly indicated their opposition or reservation. In accordance with this Guidance, the Society assumes that members consent to the following handling unless they indicate otherwise. Contact the personal information contact point shown in the Privacy Policy if you do not consent.

  1. Sending medical care cost information for the entire household to the insured person
  2. Transferring cash benefits to salary accounts via the employer
  3. Sending eligibility information for the entire household to the insured person

Ⅵ. Handling anonymized information

Matters related to anonymized information prepared by the Health Insurance Society and provided to third parties are described below.

  1. For the purposes of health examinations, health guidance, and analysis of medical care costs associated with health activities and data health plans, the Society periodically prepares anonymized information. This involves deleting the following items from Rezepts and health examination information or replacing them with other descriptions in a way that renders the original data unrecoverable
    Member names, birth dates, ages, codes/numbers of insured persons and dependents, doctors’ names
    Names of medical care institutions, Rezept IDs, members’ IDs
  2. Anonymized information is provided periodically to third parties through secure methods for benchmarking analysis in comparison to other health insurance societies or other purposes.

Ⅶ. Personal information contact point

Takeda Health Insurance Society Office
Email: DL.kenpo_qa@takeda.com
Fax: 06-6233-6501

[Annex] Announcement of the high-cost medical care subsidy program jointly operated by the Takeda Health Insurance Society and the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies

Takeda Health Insurance Society

In general, under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, personal information can be provided to third parties only with the consent of the individuals concerned. However, the Act stipulates that cases of ① provision to subcontractors, ② provision through merger or similar activities, and ③ joint use within a single group do not constitute provision to third parties. In cases of incurring high-cost medical care expenses, the Takeda Health Insurance Society (“Society” hereinafter) shares data on medical cost details with the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies (“NFHIS” hereinafter) to obtain subsidies for medical care costs from the NFHIS’s subsidy program for high-cost medical care expenses (“high-cost medical care program” hereinafter).

Accordingly, the Society announces the following information as required by law: ① the fact of joint use; ② items of personal data subject to joint use; ③ the scope of parties involved in joint use; ④ purposes of use for those involved in joint use; and ⑤ the names or titles of the persons responsible for the management of the personal data.

  1. Joint operations of high-cost medical care program with the NFHIS
    Under Article 2 of the Supplementary Provisions to the Health Insurance Act, the Society and the NFHIS administer a program whereby the NFHIS provides a subsidy to cover a portion of high medical care costs incurred by the Society. When applying for this program, the Society submits the following documents to high-cost medical care staff in the High-Cost Medical Care Group of the NFHIS: ① for medical cost details (including pharmaceutical statement, hereinafter referred to collectively as “rezept”), CSV-formatted information from e-rezepts or a copy of the rezept in paper form; ② “data of payment of a subsidy with summary of the details” or an “application for payment of a subsidy with summary of the details” recording (i.e., containing) information such as the patient name on the rezept, gender, whether the patient is the insured person or a dependent, whether the care was inpatient or outpatient, the month and year in which care was provided, and the amount billed in the rezept. Receiving this subsidy helps reduce Society expenditures for high-cost medical care.
  2. Items of personal data subject to joint use
    In addition to the items shown on “the data of payment of a subsidy with summary of the details” or “application for payment of a subsidy with summary of the details” described in the preceding paragraph, all items of data shown on the rezept
  3. Scope of parties using rezept data jointly
    • Takeda Health Insurance Society: staff in charge
    • National Federation of Health Insurance Societies: high-cost medical care staff in the High-Cost Medical Care Group
    • Business subcontractors: the ICT/Healthcare Promotion Department of the Japan Productivity Center and partner companies
  4. Purposes of use by parties using rezept data jointly
    The Society uses rezept data to apply to the high-cost medical care subsidy program to receive subsidy payment of part of medical care costs.
    Since the NFHIS receives applications from all health insurance societies in Japan, the high-cost medical care staff in the High-Cost Medical Care Group use this data to check the accuracy of applications from each society and to provide appropriate subsidies. It also uses rezepts associated with particularly high costs of 10 million yen or more per month as data to address growing medical care costs by releasing various data, after removing identifying personal information, such as amounts and names of major conditions.
  5. Names or titles and addresses of parties responsible for management of rezept data, etc.
    Takeda Health Insurance Society: 2-3-8 Doshomachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
    Person responsible for management: Office manager
    National Federation of Health Insurance Societies: 1-24-4 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    Person responsible for management: General Manager, Health Insurance Societies Support Division