(English follows)
武田健保組合では、加入者様との双方向コミュニケーションを実現するため、個人向け健康ポータルサイト『MY HEALTH WEB』(MHW)を開設します。
『MY HEALTH WEB』は、健保の各種届け出やお知らせの確認なども可能なポータルサイトとしても整備を進めます。2024年1月15日から利用者登録が可能となりましたので、皆さまの積極的な登録をお願いします。
『MY HEALTH WEB』(株式会社 法研)
※ MHWに関するお問い合わせは、『MY HEALTH WEB ヘルプデスク(TEL:03-5213-4467)』にお願いします。
※ よくあるお問い合わせはこちら
・ 被保険者
・ 被扶養配偶者
・ 登録開始:2024年1月15日(午後14-15時を予定)
・ 登録手順:初回登録ガイド〔コチラ〕を2024年1月中旬にご自宅に郵送しました。
※ 初期登録ガイドのPDFは、このお知らせの一番下にもあります。
・ 12月16日以降に入社した方および被扶養者となった配偶者の皆さまは、概ね下記のタイミングでMHWの利用者登録が可能となります。
⯈ 月の前半に加入した方:加入月の月末から翌月の月初
⯈ 月の後半に加入した方:加入月翌月の月末から翌々月の月初
『KENPOS』は、その機能を『MY HEALTH WEB』に移行して、2024年6月末に終了します。
- 歩数、体重、行動目標などの登録・参照(ただし、ポイントは獲得できません。)
- ポイント交換(2024年2-3月の歩数、体重、行動目標の登録分のみポイント付与されます。)
注)6月末時点で残っているKENPOSポイントは、『MY HEALTH WEB』のポイントに移行されます。
『KENPOS』に登録した歩数、体重、行動目標などの記録は、『MY HEALTH WEB』に移行されません。
Takeda Health Insurance Society will launch a personal health portal, "MY HEALTH WEB" (MHW) to enable two-way communication with members.
“MY HEALTH WEB'' will also be set up as a portal where you can check various health insurance notifications and other news. User registration have been available from January 15, 2024, so please sign up proactively.
Please note that the services of "KENPOS," the health portal currently available, will end at the end of June.
"MY HEALTH WEB" (Houken Corporation)
Website: https://takeda-kenpo.mhweb.jp/
※ For inquiries about MHW, contact MY HEALTH WEB Help Desk (TEL: 03-5213-4467).
※ FAQ is here.
2.Intended users of MHW
・ Insured party
・ Dependent spouse
3.Registration of users to MHW
・ Start of registration: January 15, 2024
Note: Dependent spouse will be able to complete their initial registration after 14:00 - 15:00 on Thursday, February 8.
・ Registration procedures: The initial registration guide in Japanese was mailed to your home in mid-January 2024.
※ Click here for the English guide.
・ New hires after December 15 and spouses who became covered dependents after December 15 will be able to register as MHW users approximately at the following times.
⯈ Joined in the first half of the month: From the end of the current month to the beginning of the next month
⯈ Joined in the second half of the month: From the end of the next month to the beginning of the month after next
4.Key features and operation start schedule for each feature (including planned schedule)
5.Important notice (request)
Among the features of MHW, "Notification of annual medical expenses," "Notification of medical expenses and amount of benefit to be paid," and "Health checkup results" contain sensitive personal information. As a measure to protect your personal information, we have introduced a two-step authentication system for these features, and a "security code" is required for authentication.
The "security code" needs to be issued within MHW, so please request issuance of the "security code" at the time of initial registration. On how to request issuance, please check the initial registration guide that will be sent to your home.
Please note that it will take approximately 7 days after the application is submitted for the "security code" to be issued.
6.Old portal "KENPOS"
The features of "KENPOS" will be transferred to "MY HEALTH WEB" and the “KENPOS” services will end at the end of June 2024.
Key features available in April to June 2024
- Register and check steps, weight, behavioral goals, etc. (Note: points cannot be earned.)
- Exchange points (Points will be given only for registration of steps, weight, and behavioral goals for February and March 2024.)
Note) The KENPOS points remaining as of the end of June will be transferred to "MY HEALTH WEB" points.
Records of steps, weight, behavioral goals, etc. registered in "KENPOS" will not be transferred to "MY HEALTH WEB".
End of document