(English follows)
① 2023年の給与収入・年金収入が一定以上あると思われるご家族※「130万円の壁」の対応で、事業主に証明を受けている場合も、調査にてご回答ください。
② 事業所得または不動産所得を申告(赤字を含む)しているご家族
③ 配偶者や子供以外の別居家族
2.回答期限 2024年9月6日厳守
当健保組合が開設している個人向けポータルサイトMY HEALTH WEBにて回答・書類の提出をお願いいたします。なお、本調査業務は、(株)法研に委託して実施します。
(2)調査開始日に、(株)法研より、対象の被保険者様へMY HEALTH WEBを使った調査方法について案内メールが届きます。
(3)調査依頼メールを受け取られた方は、MY HEALTH WEBにログインし、「被扶養者資格確認調査」のバナーをクリックし、回答・書類の提出をお願いします。
MY HEALTH WEB「被扶養者資格確認調査」開始:2024年8月7日(水)13:30
*MY HEALTH WEB のアクセス方法について
MY HEALTH WEBヘルプデスク TEL : 03-5213-4467
法研コールセンター 武田薬品健康保険組合担当 TEL : 0120-522-262
4.被扶養者として資格が認められない場合の当健保の資格喪失日 2024年9月1日
≪ご参考≫ 扶養基準の詳細については、こちらをご確認ください。
We will conduct a survey to confirm the eligibility of dependents for FY2024 as follows.
This is a statutory survey to confirm that dependents continuously meet the dependent criteria for health insurance.
Takeda Health Insurance Society will send a request email to persons subject to the survey. For those who receive the email, we will appreciate your cooperation in the survey.
Please note that, if there is no response, the insurance certificate for the relevant family member may be invalidated, and insurance benefits may not be provided according to laws and regulations.
1. Persons subject to the survey:
The family member for whom Takeda Health Insurance Society has determined that the survey is necessary
*According to the government’s policy, Takeda Health Insurance Society is permitted to check taxation information using the “My Number” information inquiry system. Therefore, persons subject to the survey will be selected based on the confirmed taxation information.
[Examples of a family member to be surveyed]
[1] A family member who is expected to have salary income/pension income above a certain level in 2023 *Please respond to the survey even if he/she has received a certificate from the employer to address the "issue of 1.3- million-yen annual income barrier."
[2] A family member who has declared business income or real estate income (including deficit)
[3] A family member living separately other than spouse and children
2. Response deadline: strictly by September 6, 2024
3. Survey method
Please submit responses and documents on the personalized portal site, MY HEALTH WEB, established by Takeda Health Insurance Society. This survey will be outsourced to Houken Corporation.
(1) Takeda Health Insurance Society will send a survey request email to Takeda insureds subject to the survey around August 5.
(Sender's email address: JP.Kenpo.genkyo.chosa@takeda.com)
(2) On the survey start date, Takeda insureds subject to the survey will receive an email from Houken Corporation with instructions on how to respond the survey using MY HEALTH WEB.
(Sender’s email address: takeda-kenpo@houken.ne.jp)
(3) If you receive the survey request email, log in to MY HEALTH WEB and click on the banner "Survey to Confirm the Eligibility of Dependents" to submit your responses/documents.
MY HEALTH WEB "Survey to Confirm the Eligibility of Dependents" starts at: 1:30 PM, Wednesday, August 7, 2024
[Contact information]
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Houken Corporation.
(1) For how to access MY HEALTH WEB
MY HEALTH WEB Help Desk TEL: 03-5213-4467
(2) About this survey (questions and documents to be submitted)
Representatives in charge of Takeda Health Insurance Society, Houken Corporation Call Center TEL: 0120-522-262
*Office hours for both are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, except weekends and holidays
*Both call centers are only available for Japanese.
4. Date of loss of eligibility of Takeda Health Insurance Society’s health insurance if the family member is not qualified as a dependent: September 1, 2024
Note) Depending on the circumstances, the eligibility may be lost retroactively. In this case, the family member will have to return medical expenses and benefits provided after the date of retroactive loss.
<> For details of the dependent criteria, check here.