(English follows)
なお、今年度より申請方法が変わり、『MY HEALTH WEB』での申請となります。費用補助の申請をされる方で、
このサイトに未登録の方は、事前に登録くださるようお願いいたします。(MY HEALTH WEB 以外での費用補助申請はできません。)
・ 事業所で実施する集団接種を利用しない武田健保の被保険者(本人)
・ 武田健保の被扶養者(家族)
2024年10月1日(火) ~ 12月31日(火)【期限厳守】
・ 13歳以上の方は、1回分のみの実費を補助
・ 13歳未満の被扶養者(家族)に限り、2回分の実費合計を補助
・ 1回の接種について5,000円(消費税込み)を上限として補助
MY HEALTH WEBにログインし、「インフルエンザ予防接種補助」のバナーを選択、費用補助申請に必要な情報を入力
② 領収書について
①医療機関名 ②接種者氏名(会社名は不可) ③接種日 ④金額 ⑤インフルエンザワクチンであることが分かる記載
❖ 領収書がない場合は費用補助を受けることができません。
❖ 領収書として不備があるものは認められません。
❖ 申請内容に不備がある場合は、当健保組合より被保険者(または申請者)に照会しますので、すみやかに返信してください。
❖ 申請期間以降の申請、および、接種期間外の接種の申請は、理由を問わず受け付けしません。
❖ 費用補助の対象となるワクチンは、日本で承認されたワクチンのみです。
❖ 海外で接種した場合の費用は、補助対象となりません。
・インフルエンザ予防接種補助に関して : 健康保険組合・インフルエンザ予防接種補助担当 DL.kenpo.inful@takeda.com
・MY HEALTH WEB初回登録に関して :MY HEALTH WEB ヘルプデスク(TEL:03-5213-4467)
We are announcing the subsidies for flu shot in FY 2024 as follows.
Both the vaccination period and subsidies application period are until the end of the year. Please book early to get vaccination.
The application method has been changed from this fiscal year, and the application is accepted via "MY HEALTH WEB".
If you apply for the subsidies and have not registered on this site, please register in advance. (The subsidies can be applied only via MY HEALTH WEB.)
1. Eligible persons
・Takeda Health Insurance holders who do not get group vaccination at the office (insured person)
・Dependents of Takeda Health Insurance holders (family members)
※Please receive group vaccination if available at your office. (You are not eligible to take both individual and group vaccinations)
For the method of receiving group vaccination, please check the information at your office.
2. Subsidized vaccination period and application period
October 1 (Tue) - Tuesday, December 31 (Tue), 2024 [Make sure to meet the deadline]
3. Details of the subsidies
・For those aged 13 years or older, the actual expense only for one dose will be subsidized.
・Only for dependents (family members) under the age of 13, the total actual expense for two doses will be subsidized.
※The age on the date of vaccination
・Subsidized up to 5,000 yen (including consumption tax) per dose.
4. Application method for subsidies, etc.
(1) Application method
Log in to MY HEALTH WEB, select the banner of “flu shot subsidies”, and enter the information necessary for the application for subsidies.
(2) Receipt
Receive the receipt before application. You will be asked to upload a photo (image) of your receipt.
[Notes for application]
・ Receipts that do not include all the following five items will be invalid and ineligible for the subsidies. Please check the receipt carefully when it is issued.
(1) Name of the medical institution (2) Name of the vaccinated individual (company name is not acceptable)
(3) Date of vaccination (4) Amount (5) De________scription that clearly states that it is an influenza vaccine
・Please ask the medical institution to issue one receipt for each vaccinated individual.
・Takeda Health Insurance Society may make inquiries, so please keep the original receipt.
5. Timing of payment
The amount will be transferred to your salary account in or after the second month following the month of application.
If you are insured with optional and continued coverage, the amount will be transferred to your bank account.
6. Other considerations
❖ Without a receipt, the subsidies cannot be paid.
❖ If necessary information is missing, the receipt will be invalid.
❖ If necessary information is missing in your application, Takeda Health Insurance Society will make an inquiry to the insured (or applicant). Please respond promptly to the inquiry.
❖ Any application after the application period and application for vaccination outside the vaccination period will not be accepted regardless of the reason.
❖ Only vaccines approved in Japan are subject to the subsidies.
❖ Expenses for vaccination overseas are not subsidized.
【 Contact information】
・For flu shot subsidies: Person in charge of flu shot subsidies DL.kenpo.inful@takeda.com
※ Please find frequently asked questions here.
・ For MY HEALTH WEB initial registration: MY HEALTH WEB Help Desk (TEL: 03-5213-4467)
※ The initial registration guide is available here. ※Please find frequently asked questions here