
If you lose your health insurance card

Do the following immediately if you lose or damage your health insurance card:

If you lose your health insurance card

To apply, provide the necessary information on the following document, (if you are a Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited employee) attach an interoffice mail return envelope with information on where to send the health insurance card (section name, etc.) filled out and your health insurance card (if not lost), and submit to the Health Insurance Society.
If you are not a Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited employee, submit to the section at your company responsible for health insurance administration.
If your card has been stolen, to apply, provide the specific details of the theft, the police station or police box where you submitted the theft report, and other information on the column for writing down the circumstances. Your card will be reissued on the next date after the application is received.
If the card was lost, describe the circumstances of the loss in the greatest possible detail. Your card will be reissued on the next date after the application is received.
If you find your card after losing it, promptly return the found health insurance card.
If a person is no longer an insured person due to the end of employment or other reason and is unable to return his or her card to the Society because it has been lost, provide the necessary information on the following document and submit to the Health Insurance Society if you are a Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited employee or the section at your company responsible for health insurance administration if you are not a Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited employee.

Required documents:
  • Application Form for Reissue of Health Insurance Card (Card loss/Damage)
    (When you need to have a lost card reissued)
  • Notification of Health Insurance Card Loss
    (When you do not need to have a card reissued because you are no longer an employee or for other reason)
Deadline: Immediately following loss of health insurance card
Applies to: Insured persons or dependents who have lost their health insurance cards
Address inquiries to: Health Insurance Society

If your health insurance card is damaged or there is on space for your address

  • If your health insurance card is damaged or there is no more space for your address, it will be reissued soon after you apply for reissue.
Required documents:
  • Application Form for Reissue of Health Insurance Card (Card loss/Damage)
Document to attach
・The health insurance card that has been damaged or has no more space
Deadline: As soon as possible after the reason arises
Applies to: Insured persons or dependents who need to have their health insurance cards reissued
Address inquiries to: Health Insurance Society

There is no frequently asked questions and answers that have been registered.
